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LIDAR Surveying

Fugro Pelagos offers highly efficient, cost-effective solutions to hydrographic surveying, coastal zone, riverine mapping, and architecture and engineering projects by utilizing the latest generation in Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry (ALB) and terrestrial LiDAR laser scanning technologies. The company has a long history of providing high-resolution hydrographic surveying and seabed mapping services to both private and public sectors, and with the addition of Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry including the new high resolution sensor, Riegl VQ-820G and vessel-based mobile laser scanning working in conjunction with multibeam our portfolio of services is greatly enhanced.

The SHOALS-1000T (with data collection capability of 2,000 independent subsea survey observations per second) is ideally suited for coastal zone and nearshore surveys in water depths up to 65m. Using this system, Fugro Pelagos can rapidly and safely collect data across the land / sea interface, including navigation channels, jetties, and adjacent shorelines. It is a portable system that can be installed on suitable aircraft of opportunity, allowing cost-effective operations worldwide, even in the most remote areas.

The Riegl VQ-820G (with data collection capability of up to  250,000 survey observations per second above and below the water surface) can provide data quality on par with the latest conventional topographic LiDAR systems while managing much better results in wetlands and penetrating water depths of up to 12 meters. We can deploy the SHOALS-1000T and the Riegl VQ-820G from the same camera port of an aircraft for simultaneously capturing 200% of the data in one pass.

Our BOAT-MAP system combines the use of vehicle or vessel-based mobile laser scanning (LiDAR) with multibeam bathymetric surveys and is an effective way to survey nearshore/coastal sites from close range. This is particularly valuable for areas where a multibeam survey needs to be extended above the water line.  The use of a mobile laser scanner in conjunction with a multibeam echosounder brings significant benefit to many types of projects.  Particular examples have included studies of break water structures, wharves (including the bulkhead wall and exposed piles), coastal slope retreat, riverine levee studies (water-side), open water canals, and other nearshore/waterfront infrastructure.

BOAT-MAP can also be equipped with our geophysical survey tools for investigations below the seabed.

Get more details on Fugro's Airborne Lidar Bathymetry services here.


Fugro Pelagos' expertise in coastal zone mapping extends from project consultation and project management to data acquisition, analysis and interpretation, as well as data integration.  

Fugro Pelagos offers a full range of expert services in support of fisheries habitat mapping programs, including high resolution seafloor mapping, project consultation, project management, data analysis and interpretation.  

Fugro Pelagos conducts seafloor surveying & mapping, underwater sonar inspection, and ocean environmental data acquisition for coastal, beach, nearshore and offshore projects. We support these projects in their site investigation, engineering feasibility / design / rehabilitation, environmental planning & permitting phases all the way to positioning during construction.  

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