Airborne Lidar Bathymetry operations are also very dependent on weather. Strong winds, low clouds, fog and rain can all prevent the acquisition of Airborne Lidar Bathymetry data. Ideally, historical weather conditions should be considered when scheduling an Airborne Lidar Bathymetry operation.

Bathymetry data are generally collected from an altitude of 300m or 400m. This means the ceiling must be at least this high. High winds can impact the aircraft's ability to remain reasonably level and fly straight lines. Rain is a problem in two ways. First, there is a significant loss of laser energy as the light scatters off raindrops in the atmosphere. Second, run off from a rain event will often negatively affect water clarity.


Operational Considerations:
Water Clarity
Horizontal Positioning
Vertical Positioning / Tides
Sensor Orientation
Airborne Lidar Data Acquisition
Quality Control

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