In April 2004, Fugro Pelagos used airborne Lidar technology to map the entirety of the Southern California coastline from the Mexican border to Long Beach. This project took place between April 10 - 18 for the purpose of obtaining existing bathymetric and topographic conditions of the entire coastline, including the jetties and navigation channel at the entrance to Mission Bay.
This survey provided bathymetric and topographic Lidar data from the cliff base across the beach to approximately the 10 meter contour. About 3,600 line km covering approximately 200 km of coastline were surveyed in only nine days (including re-flights for fill-in). Collectively, the surveys covered an area of approximately 434 square kilometers. In such shallow water, a multibeam survey of this size could take as long as 85 days, without ever getting the additional topographic information on the beach.
For the beach areas, bathymetric Lidar data were collected at a 4 x 4 m sounding density, flying at an altitude of 300 m, while topographic data were acquired at a 2 x 1 m spot density flying at an altitude of 430 m. For the entrance to Mission Bay, bathymetric Lidar data were collected at a 2 x 2 m sounding density, flying at an altitude of 300 m, while topographic data were acquired at a 2 x 0.7 m spot density also flying at an altitude of 300 m. The surveys were scheduled such that topographic Lidar data were collected at low water and bathymetric Lidar data were collected at high water. This provided the maximum data overlap at the land / sea interface and also minimized the potential for data gaps as a result of breaking waves within the surf zone.
Much of the Lidar data and digital aerial photography collected during this survey will complement acoustic multibeam bathymetry, acoustic multibeam backscatter imagery and digital multispectral data collected by Fugro Pelagos previously from Mexico to Dana Point and will be used by San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) to form a regional planning database.